Garbage4Dinner aka Haylie just recently deleted her Newgrounds and YouTube accounts. All that art was lost but by searching through Google, I found out it was still on the internet, hidden in a way. So I made this G4D Archive of all the art of her's I could find through Google, and here is the link to the archive I only found 4 of her drawings, but if I find more I will update the website. Garbage4Dinner was a good person. She cared for us and we cared for her. But I didn't meet her until a few days before her birthday so I didn't know her very well. Well, maybe there's a way, maybe one of us will see her sometime in the future. Maybe she will go back online, but that's not really our choice. All we have to do is wait and see! :)
That's a really cool thing you're doing, Cedric.
If you ever get tired of the wix stuff I'd be more than happy to help with the project and even host it.